Orcham SAS was founded

On December 1, 2023, after months of behind-the-scenes work, the company Orcham SAS is finally officially created at the Commercial Court of Thonon-Les-Bains.
" Specialized Design Activities"
Well, we'd perhaps have preferred a specific classification for lighting fixtures, but "Design" still reflects the idea of our works created and realized on site.
You don't need to worry about the administrative formalities and the incessant back-and-forth with the authorities for documents expected differently, choosing an accounting partner (between those who don't reply, the one who "describe your project to us, we'll see if we're interested" (sic), the one who changes his mind ...) and finding a bank.
But I was very pleased to find that in the end I only had to deal with proactive people, who were also very enthusiastic about the prototype luminaires.