ANNOUNCEMENT: Bauhaus 5™ is available!

🎉 A new Orcham design luminaire! 🎉
Previewed last week at Festiléman, Orcham now offers its 7th model, the "Bauhaus 5".
On the basis of Bauhaus Four™in the VintageIt's now more rounded and less sober, plunging even further into the 70s.
It will look great in a retro modern ensemble where a warm atmosphere is desired.
- Distributors & stores: contact us for a partnership in one form or another 🤝
- Architects and interior designers: Let's "light up the dreams" of your customers together with special art projects 🎨
> Contact us <
Nota: like most of the fixtures in our range, this work benefits from our lifetime production continuity guarantee! (hoteliers or restaurateurs ... if you have breakages or disappearances with your customers, or if you're doing an extension ....)
Full details on the dedicated product page Bauhaus 5™.